Matematika Pak Amin mengedarai mobil dgn kecepatan berubah rubah sesuai dgn pola kecepatan (2× +30) m/s ..berapa kecepatan mobil pak Amin pada saat detik ke 10 ?... mylesmosciskiulv – April 06, 2023
Bahasa lain oh brainly apa harapan Tuhan kepada manusia? ;untuk orang kristen atau katolik mylesmosciskiulv – April 05, 2023
Ujian Nasional 15. Sebuah penampungan air berbentuk balok dengan volume 1.080 m dan luas alas 120 m² Maka tinggi penampungan air tersebut adalah .... mylesmosciskiulv – April 05, 2023
B. inggris Two months ago, our class made a small party at a tourist resort in the mountainous area not far away We rented a villa for a couple of days. Some friends and the teachers took a bus to go to there. Some others went there by car with their parents. One of my friends and I decided to ride my motorcycle. We thought it was faster and more fun. Actually out parents didn't give us the permission as we didn't have a driving license. However, we promised that we would pass smaller roads. We also told them that the place was not too We left early in the morning and I rode the motorcycle slowly. We enjoyed the riding. A few moments later, my friend said that he wanted to take over riding the motorcycle as I was too slow. I felt uncomfortable but I couldn't do anything. I let my friends ride the motorcycle. He rode it fast. I was afraid actually so I warned him not to move too fast. He just laughed and said that I was a coward. A few moments later, there was another motorcycle moving faster beside us. My friend increased the speed of our motorcycle to chase it but he lost his control. Our motorcycle crashed. Both of us fell on the road. Thank God there was nothing serious happening to us. We just got bruises in some parts of our body. My friend said sorry to me many times. I could see that he regretted with what happened. I was happy that the accident really taught my friend to be careful next time.bantu Jawab makasih mylesmosciskiulv – April 05, 2023
Matematika Quiz 230² + √49 = ...Note: Happy Indonesian Independence Day! 77 Th :D, Greetings to Muslim friends in Indonesia mylesmosciskiulv – April 05, 2023
IPS bantu ya punya adek hey jangan ngasal! 5 menit lagi harus secepat hey!! a. Apa itu padang rumput b. apa itu hutan c. apa itu sungai d. apa itu laut e. apa itu rawa f. apaa itu Danauburu klo jawab jgn kayak siput nak nuk nak nuk lama mylesmosciskiulv – April 05, 2023
Biologi apa visi misi dokter psikologi? TOLONG DIJAWABB YANG BENER YA JGN NGASAL! mylesmosciskiulv – April 04, 2023
PPKn 1. Tuliskan makna kutipan isi sumpah pemuda dari 1,2,3 bagi bangsa Indonesia?2. Bagaimana caranya agar bangsa Indonesia tidak terpecah belah?bantu jawab besok di kumpulin! mylesmosciskiulv – April 04, 2023
Biologi Tanaman bunga mawar merah (homozigot) disilangkan dengan bunga mawar putih. Apabila merah dominan terhadap putih, maka tentukan:a. Genotip parentalb. Gamet dari masing-masing indukc. Genotip F1d. Fenotip F1e. Apabila sesama F1 disilangkan, buatlah bagan persilangannya!f. Tentukan perbandingan genotip pada F2g. Tentukan perbandingan Fenotip pada F2 mylesmosciskiulv – April 04, 2023
Matematika Tolong Bantu Ini Besok dikumpulkanMP:MathematicsClass:6 mylesmosciskiulv – April 02, 2023
Matematika Perhatikan data berikut ini! i. 7/2 cm 12 cm, 25/2 cm ii.50 cm 120 cm, =130 cm iii.0,06 cm 0,08 cm, 0,10 cm iv.90 cm 120 cm, 150 cm Yang merupakan tripel Pythagoras adalah mylesmosciskiulv – April 02, 2023
PPKn 1. Bagaimana cara untuk menyelesaikan perbedaan pendapat? Jawab: 2. Berikan contoh cara menjaga keutuhan negara! Jawab: .... 3. Keragaman jenis usaha ekonomi menimbulkan keragaman sosial dalam masyarakat. Sebutkan keuntungan dari kondisi tersebut! Jawab: 4. Apa dampak negatif keberagaman sosial budaya masyarakat Indonesia? Jawab: .... 5. Masyarakat di kampung Lita memiliki keberagaman jenis usaha. Ada yang memiliki usaha toko kelontong, usaha pembuatan tempe, dan usaha jasa penjahit. Selain itu, ada pula masyarakat yang bercocok tanam dan membudidayakan ikan air tawar. Menurut penda- patmu, apa yang menyebabkan keberagaman tersebut? Jawab: mylesmosciskiulv – April 02, 2023
Bahasa lain pendidikan keagamaan non formal berupa Pasraman biasanya dilakukan di mylesmosciskiulv – April 02, 2023
Matematika Ibu membeli 4 durian seharga Rp 120.000, jika 1 buah durian dijual Rp 40.000 maka tentukan,,untung atau rugi,,berapa untung atau ruginya,,persatunya untung atau ruginya mylesmosciskiulv – April 01, 2023